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[建議] [instructions]How to introduce yourself in Forum

Click and get in Introduction Thread, press "發帖(post a post)" to start writing your introduction.6 S; P) p4 A) m1 A9 d) x4 N! Q  z
. W3 |& O$ T, S/ ^; ?
Write your title as "Hello from <Your ID>"。/ Q( W- F# f7 J# @! s" z* j
And then copy the form above and paste in post.
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8 v) C) V) Q: b& ]; m2 uAfter fill all your information, press "發新話題"。
: N% u" M* K' b; @. ~- V  O6 @
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& M/ J) v/ t/ [0 T) n" {+ wCongratulation, you have posted your introduction.